

Funeral customs vary in different sects of Buddhism and from country to country. Due to which, the Buddhist funeral services also differ as per the beliefs and change in practices. However, for most of the part, Buddhists have faith in the reincarnation of the soul after death. Despite the difference of opinions, this one principle is fundamental and determines the underpinnings of most of the Buddhist funerals.

It depends upon the family to keep the Buddhist funeral services solemn, traditional, simple, and dignified. Siyuan Memories is always ready to respect the decision and go forth with the family’s wishes. We arrange the funeral services as per the choice and desire of the closed ones of the departed person.

What Happens In A Buddhist Funeral Service?

Generally, the Buddhist funeral services are kept simple and peaceful. The monks preside the service and deliver sermons and Buddhist rites. The mourners pay their respect to the deceased one. The altar is set up with the dead’s portrait and the casket. It can also display candles, fruits, and flowers, with the burning incense. The Buddhist funeral services also include an image of the Buddha, placed near the altar.

The funeral customs might have many rituals and traditions as well. The Buddhist funeral rites are recited before the burial. Also, the family can offer clothes to the monks on behalf of the deceased. Also, pouring water in a cup from the vessel, almsgiving, or other offerings are part of the Buddhist funeral services. However, most of it depends on the family; if they want to follow these traditions and rituals or wish to depart the deceased one with serenity.

Although Buddhists believe that death is a transformation of the deceased from one form to another, yet this is not enough to lessen the sorrow, and it is imperative to show grief. Siyuan Memories takes care of these services for you and cooperates in these difficult times.

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