Budget Friendly Funeral Packages in Malaysia

May 20, 2021 -

Most people aren’t sure how to plan their loved one’s funeral. In fact, most people don’t know where to begin with. Well don’t worry; Siyuan makes sure that we help you out in burying your loved one. We know all the traditions and religion values when it comes to either a Christian or Buddhist funeral services. We make sure to help you in times of need, and by offering our funeral packages, you can mourn for your loved one and take out your time for other matters as well.

What is a Funeral Service Pre Planning?

Nobody likes to plan for death, but alone plan for it. In many families, discussing about someone’s death is pretty awkward and extremely uncomfortable. But it should be discussed openly and people should pre-plan their deaths.By pre-planning your funeral, you relieve your family of the burden of making crucial financial choices at a time of tremendous uncertainty and grief—a time where people aren’t thinking straight and might not know what to do because you didn’t express your wishes.

In summary, pre planning helps in:

  1. Relieve loved ones from stress and confusion
  2. Prevents the family from spending way too much for a funeral service
  3. Saves money
  4. Allows the individual to pre-plan his funeral service

Buddhist Funeral Services

At Siyuan, we follow all the common Buddhist funeral services. Before it begins, the mourners are given a period to mourn for their deceased loved one. There is no inscribed procedure to a funeral in Buddhism; it doesn’t matter if the funeral starts after or before the cremation of the dead one. Usually, the body is placed in a coffin and is openly displayed to the mourners before cremation or burial.

When people arrive, they usually see an altar decorated with the image of the deceased one and along with a picture of Buddha. Along with some candles, flowers incense and fruits.

The remains are gathered by the bereaved whenever the body is cremated. This person’s remains are kept in a columbarium. The remains are normally dispersed into the sea or stored in an urn garden.

If the body is to be buried, mourners may accompany the procession, carrying the body in a casket or other vessel. If there are monks present, they will take the lead; if not, family members will. The chanting continues until the body is buried.

Usually, in a Buddhist funeral, white color is worn by the mourners.  Buddhist burials are traditionally conducted on the third, seventh, 49th, or even 100 days after death. If the family needs to change the dates, Buddhism allows them to do so without limitation.

The Proper Etiquette When Attending a Buddhist Funeral:

The proper etiquette for attending a Buddhist funeral depends usually on the culture. In most traditions, white is worn by the mourners though this could be different in different traditions.  When the mourners enter the altar, they usually bow their hands in a prayer position and take time to reflect on the deceased who has just passed away.  Monks sit above everyone else, as they are the most respected in a funeral and if a monk stands up, you also have to stand up. The monk does all the chanting, and if you’re not sure what to say, it is advised to stay silent.