Funeral Services to Cherish the Memories of Loved One

May 22, 2021 -

There are many funeral services that operate in Malaysia. But Siyuan offers both Buddhist funeral services and Christian funeral service.  In these desperate times, Siyuan makes sure that we help our clients in funeral services, so that the loved one’s have more time to cherish their memories and cry for their deceased loved one.

Christian Funeral Service

At Siyuan, we follow all the common Christian funeral services. The common steps to any Christian funeral are:

  • The offering of prayers
  • Honor of the deceased
  • The priest reads aloud the passages from the Holy Bible
  • The deceased is buried underground

In Christianity, the dead person is first thoroughly washed or has to go through ablution. It is believed in Christianity, that when a person passes away, he must be thoroughly cleaned before he enters paradise. After the ablution, the dead person is dressed, and is put into a coffin or a casket. The body is then put on a catafalque, where the bereaved families can see their loved one. As if receiving communion, the person’s hands are placed in a crucifix. If required, a prayer book or rosary is put on the loved one’s chest.A short farewell service at the cemetery is used in Christian burials. When the body is sunk into the tomb, the priest says prayers. Friends and family members express their last thoughts, which may entail putting flowers on the casket. A small amount of soil is often normally added on to the coffin.

The funeral service must pay tribute to and admire the loved one who has recently died. The funeral service should commemorate the deceased’s life and have a prayer for your loved one, who will ascend to Heaven and console the bereaved. A funeral is a gathering of loved ones to focus on the deceased’s life and praise him for whatever good things he might have done for them throughout his lifetime.

Buddhist Funeral Service

At Siyuan, we follow all the common Buddhist funeral services. Before it begins, the mourners are given a period to mourn for their deceased loved one. There is no inscribed procedure to a funeral in Buddhism; it doesn’t matter if the funeral starts after or before the cremation of the dead one. Usually, the body is placed in a coffin and is openly displayed to the mourners before cremation or burial.

When people arrive, they usually see an altar decorated with the image of the deceased one and along with a picture of Buddha. Along with some candles, flowers incense and fruits.

The remains are gathered by the bereaved whenever the body is cremated. This person’s remains are kept in a columbarium. The remains are normally dispersed into the sea or stored in an urn garden.

If the body is to be buried, mourners may accompany the procession, carrying the body in a casket or other vessel. If there are monks present, they will take the lead; if not, family members will. The chanting continues until the body is buried.

Usually, in a Buddhist funeral, white color is worn by the mourners.  Buddhist burials are traditionally conducted on the third, seventh, 49th, or even 100 days after death. If the family needs to change the dates, Buddhism allows them to do so without limitation.